Monday, October 27, 2008

Thing #10 Image Generators

I had some fun with image generators, and used the Einstein chalkboard to save a picture we can all enjoy.

Monday, October 20, 2008

A Great Library Related Blog--The Shifted Librarian

From Jenny Levine, The Shifted Librarian always contains some content that is interesting to me as a librarian. Since my library (Columbus Metropolitan Library) has a new levy looming on our horizon in November 2010, I found this post really interesting:

Sunday, October 19, 2008

RSS Feed Readers

I set up my first feed reader, a MyYahoo! account about 2 years ago. I use it to demonstrate the practical application of RSS feeds to adult students and business people. I see no reason to set up a bloglines account, when my MyYahoo! page works just fine.

I can use EbscoHost, or ProQuest to set up an RSS feed with full text journal articles. The problem with this service is, I cannot read the full text of the articles when I am not in the library, because of authentication requirements from the database provider.

I can set up RSS feeds from blogs I admire, like the Kegliography, Common Craft, and Library Bytes to stay informed.

Databases That Warm My Geeky Heart

So, I'm an unabashed library geek, you gotta problem with that? I really like the new database, or Premium Resource (in CML parlance) called Gongwer News Service. Any CML cardholder with internet access can select this database from our list of Premium Resources on our Reference page, and find informatin on Ohio government, legislation in the Ohio House or Senate, and Ohio related news articles.

The Gongwer News Service should be of interest to Ohio business people looking for government legislation information on their industry.

Flickr Mashups

I was truly delighted by the various ways to experiment with color on flickr. My favorite was the science fiction magazine cover mashup. When you roll the cursor over the tiny blocks of color, a specific cover pops up, and you can click on it for a larger image.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Flickr Exploration

Continuing with the Columbus Metropolitan Library staff activity, Learn & Play, I explored Flickr, and set up my own Flickr account. I used some pictures taken by Dan Zwyer, when I was traveling with my family in Washington State in October 2008. There are so many wonderful pictures that Dan took, I hope I can add more to my Flickr account soon! A link to my photostream is here: